Welcome Weirdos, to a very special episode of Keep It Weird!
This week Ashley sits down with Handsome Joe to share with you all of the craziest, coolest, scariest, hippest, most innovative and fun science news this planet has to offer.
We did a week's worth of research to find out what was going on in the wild world of scientific discovery and boy did we strike Au. (Get it?)
Breakthroughs in medical, biological, astrophysical, historical, environmental, and even sexual science. From the smallest atom to the furthest reaches of space-- prepare to join Joey Lawrence and say "Whoa."
BoOoOoO, Weirdos!
Welcome to another super spooky (sup-spooks?) edition of LISTENER GHOST STORIES!!
As you know, Listener Ghost Stories are episodes in which we read all of the scary paranormal, supernatural, extraterrestrial, true crime, and monster stories that you send in/share with us while providing our own personal experiences and our expert (or not so expert) opinions, advice, and theories.
Was that sentence long enough? This week we have ghosts who play with technology, demonic presences, pond monsters, extraterrestrials, serial killers, and so much more.
So buckle up, throw on some headphones to amp up the scares, and enjoy your goosebumps.